July 2013 - Brazil

July 2013 – Newsletter 2

From Pete and Sandra Kerry

Hi (Oi!)

Here is our second newsletter. We have had many interesting things happen since the first newsletter in June.
We are still happily living with Jorge and Dores. We now have the air conditioning unit working in our room which is a great help with the heat. We have this set on 25˚ at night which is comfortable. Any less than this and we feel cold! Not very English of us, we know.

The Portuguese convention is 16-18th August and will be here in Boa Vista. We are really looking forward to this. The English group had their convention last week. They travelled to Venezuela which is the nearest English convention to Boa Vista. They travelled across the border by bus and in total it took 13 hours to get there due to the many times they were stopped by the military police in Venezuela. Since the death of the previous president in Venezuela a few months ago, there is more tension and foreigners are checked more often than normal. However it is good to know that the preaching work is not affected there.

We have had the privilege of visiting other congregations in the surrounding areas. Pete gave his first Portuguese public talk in Brasil in Alto Alegre congregation, which is 110Km from Boa Vista, on 23rd June. We were concerned about if the brothers would understand the accent, as the accent here is very different from what we have been taught, but after a couple of minutes they were ok.
(Sorry for the poor quality of the photos)

The congregation did not have any Elders until last month when a new special pioneer couple, Eliab and Monica, were assigned there. 
(The couple on the right)

The following week, Pete had the congregation book study and the public talk in our home congregation, Bela Vista.

Supporting the congregations
We were asked to support another congregation, Caracaraí, which is 160Km from Boa Vista. They are a small congregation of only 19 publishers and only recently has a special pioneer couple been assigned there. However they are currently attending the class for Christian couples for 2 months and so there were no appointed brothers to help. A ministerial servant from Boa Vista and us visited the congregation on Wednesday 3rd July and between us 2 brothers we conducted the congregation book study, theocratic school and service meeting. Pete only had the afternoon to prepare 3 parts for the meeting in Portuguese that night but all went well. It is a VERY noisy congregation as there were about 35 children out of the 54 in attendance.

The Watchtower study at Caracarai

Last week, another regular pioneer couple from Manaus were assigned to help as well for 2 months. Pete returned last week and gave a public talk there. We have been asked to help as much as possible but our challenge now is to find a balance in where to prioritize our service.

We have been to the English group a couple of times to support them and Pete gave the public talk in English this morning (21st July). It seemed strange doing an English public talk in Brasil!
We have met a lot of different brothers and sisters so far, and it is faith strengthening to see the unity in Jehovah’s organization wherever we are in the world.

One evening in June, we were invited to a surprise anniversary party for a couple in our congregation. They included us as part of their family and said that this anniversary was truly ‘international’ because their ‘family’ from England were there.

Tony Spooner, a brother from Galway, Ireland, has been supporting the English group for a few weeks. He is an elder and regular pioneer and hopes to move here permanently in the future. He is 73 years old and now widowed and is an example that age is not a problem in serving where the need is greater.

On Friday afternoon, we walk 35 minutes to our first study. 3 of the studies are couples. One of the studies has a parrot that is VERY vocal and learns words quickly. We have to compete with it during the study!!!!

We now have 5 Portuguese studies between us and the picture below shows where one of them is. Most of the roads here are like this.

At the moment, we are doing the campaign for the convention invitations. It is refreshing that everyone accepts the invitations and willing to talk. Most people are at home during the day and this gives us the opportunity to talk at almost every house.

As we are just above the equator, we see some amazing skies about 6pm on the way home from the studies. The angle of the sun provides unusual rays of light as shown in the picture below.

It rains intensely for an hour or so each day, and within that time, the roads are often flooded and not passable on foot. (Picture below)

Next time
There are 4 Kingdom Hall construction projects starting soon and possibly a new assembly hall in Boa Vista. We will give you updates in the next blog. We have many exciting things that are due to happen in August. Until then......

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