Big increase in Guyana

Just a quick update:

Guyana had a 5% increase over this time last year in publishers. There are now just over 2800 publishers in Guyana.

This year the memorial attendance in Guyana for 2014 was over 12,000! that is more than 4 times the amount of publishers.

Lots of growth!

Guyana Updated pages

Hi. Thank you for coming to our 'need greaters' page.

We have now completed putting the information on the 'December 2013 - Guyana' page.

We have also created the page 'About Guyana' which you may find interesting. It gives you some information about Guyana and the peoples and biodiversity etc.

Please let us know what you think of these 2 pages.

We will be adding a page for February 2014 very soon.

Pete and Sandra Kerry.

Guyana update - new information

We have started to put some information on this blog about our experiences so far in Guyana. You can start to read these by looking at the December 2013 - Guyana page.

We will keep adding to this blog over the next couple of weeks.

See you soon.

Pete and Sandra


We have been extremely busy since arriving in Guyana back in December 2013. We have often thought about updating our blog but time ran away.

We are planning on putting some information together in the next week or so including our experiences here so far in the English ministry as well as our assignment in the Portuguese field.

Also involved in new KH sound installation and other areas of privilege. Keep checking back to see our updates soon.

Pete and Sandra.

New updates - November entry

We thank you for your patience with us.

We have now completed the November page and it is ready to view. If you have not done so already, please read the October and November 2013 - Brazil pages.

They show our experiences from our time serving in Caracarai. Also you will find out what was to happen after our 6 months in Brazil.

Would we have to return to England or would we go to another country.

You will have to read it to find out!

Pete and Sandra Kerry

October page is now ready to view

Hi. Just to let you know that we have finished uploading all the information and photos to the October 2013 page. Please read our experiences and we hope you enjoy them.

This page includes our experiences with our move to Caracarai in North Brazil, river boat witnessing, jungle preaching and other things.

Feel free to send us any comments using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Pete and Sandra Kerry